Tuesday, May 10, 2011

OMG! My teacher is an Egyptian god!!!

Would you like this guy to be your teacher? Read this post to find out why I would ask this question...

As you all know, I mainly study Greek and Roman mythology, but lately I have been interested in learning more about Egyptian Mythology. Why is this you ask? Well, this for the last couple of months I have been babysitting the six year old girl next door who is completely in love with Nickelodeon. Once again, why is that relevant? That is because there on that channel there is a new show called House of Anubis.

Now, I'm not going to bother you with the deatails of the show, but it about a group of boarding students in England who think that their teachers are Egyptian gods(or something like that). I watch this show everytime I babysit Sara, so bear with me while I try to figure out the plot line. Anyway, soon I will post the link to a great blog that deals with Egyptian mythology. Then, maybe we can figure out Egyptian mythology together.

Now, I'm not exactly sure what this photo represents, but I do know that it was painted on a sheet of papyrus... I'll consult the internet soon to find out the answer for you all. Better yet, if you know please write a comment

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