Thursday, January 13, 2011

Gotta love the local library...

So,I just came back from the library after reading some latin grammer books.(No,I usually don't read dusty old grammer books in my spare time. Yes, I do have to study for a HUGE latin test. So no smart comments). Anyway, latin grammer is fun and everything... but guess what else I found - the Winnie the Pooh Book written in latin!!!

I know I'm a geek but what else is new. Though, my latin teacher will be happy with me :)

1 comment:

  1. How goes it, peoples of the mythology blog!?
    A drop of succour poured from the cup of knowldge to the unquenched:
    Ferdinandus Taurus
    Cattus Petasotus
    Alicia in Terra Mirabili
    Insula Thesavaria
    Virent Ova, Veret pema
    Fabula de Petro Cuniculo
    Forever glad to be of assistance,
    Your Humble Servant


Gratis tibi ago! Thank you so much for writing a comment, I appreciate your imput!!!