Saturday, February 26, 2011

Big pic

I promised you all pictures of my award winning project... This was a scene where Romulous and Remus were rescued by the she-wolf who lived by the Tiber River. As you probably know, Romulous killed Remus when they grew up because Remus kept leaping over Romulous' wall. That is why Rome is called Rome and not Remoria (that is what Remus would have named the area if he killed Romulous and not the other way around.) Maybe it was the best that Romulous named the city. My latin teacher noted that Remoria sounds more like a medicine to cure an upset stomach.

I think the turtle adds a special touch...

The bird represents the god Mars who is Romulous and Remus' father

1 comment:

  1. As of previous years Remoria was always thougnt to sound as might a creamer company.


Gratis tibi ago! Thank you so much for writing a comment, I appreciate your imput!!!