Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tyrannosaurus Rex: King of the Tyrant Lizard

In science class, we are learning about the facinating period in which dinosaurs roamed Earth. I was very intrigued by the T.rex in particular, so I did some research about them. You probably know that the scientific names of most animals are latin, and I found what T.rex means.

This question was asked by someone on the Enchanted Learning website- I thought it was interesting...

Q: what does rex in t. rex stand for?
from ?, ?, ?, ?; December 6, 2000
A: It means king (in Latin). The T. should be capitalized because it stands for a genus (and the genus name is always capitalized, although the species name is not). The T. stands for Tyrannosaurus (which means tyrant lizard in Latin).

I can't wait to show my science teacher this blog post next period!


  1. dino's are awesome, in current technology it seems we are always just a tiny bit closer to jurassic park!

    i dig it check out mine aswell

  2. Hi James the Giant Leach! Thanks for becoming a follower; I hope you will enjoy the blog!



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